P004 City of Pearsall

P004 City of Pearsall City of Pearsall The well water produced in Pearsall, TX contained high concentrations of iron. Therefore, to improve the quality of drinking water, the City of Pearsall reached out to WETS. WETS effectively reduced the iron levels within the well water by supplying and installing aerators. The aerators are circular and […]

L031 City of Lufkin

L031 City of Lufkin City of Lufkin WETS collaborated with engineering consultants and installed two aluminum aerators for the city of Lufkin. Each aluminum aerator can treat 2600 gpm of well water. The square-shaped aerators are 10.5 ft by 14 ft by 12 ft. The cross-sectional area of each aerator is 147 ft2. All four […]

C023 Clear Lake City WA

C023 Clear Lake City WA Clear Lake City WA – Houston, TX For Clear Lake City Water Authority, WETS supplied and installed an aerator after performing a pilot study. The circular aerator with a 10 ft diameter and 12 ft height can treat 1500 gpm of well water. The effective cross-sectional area of the aerator […]

B004 City of Bastrop

B004 City of Bastrop City of Bastrop WETS installed an aerator in Texas for the City of Bastrop back in 1986. The aerator is capable of handling 1000 gpm of well water. The square aerator has the dimensions of 7 ft by 7 ft by 11 ft in height with a cross sectional area of […]